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December 2023
Advent Greetings from Flourish!

Advent greetings to you, dear friends of Flourish! 

Each year when the Advent and Christmas season rolls around, we find ourselves captivated by the power of the story—Jesus, Emmanuel, the With-Us God, entering into our life, the Creator born as a creature of our world, experiencing our deepest joys and our worst sufferings.  God With us!  With us!  We hear it so often that we can miss the power of those words.

Jesus came that we may have life, and have it to the full. [John 10:10]  What is life?  This is eternal life, that we know the true God, and Jesus Christ, whom he has sent. [John 17:3]  Stop and consider the gravity of what Jesus is saying about us.  Read it slowly: “I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one—I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.” [John 17:22]

What a privilege to be included in God’s purposes for the world. And what joy there is in catching glimpses of that unity to which he calls us—life together, the promise that “where two or three are gathered in my name, I am in their midst.” [Matt 18:20] Jesus is present with us when we are present with one another.  And this is where real life is.  We are not meant to do this alone.  We can’t do this alone.  We were made to experience the presence of God in and through one another—God with us as we are with one another!

Our culture increasingly devalues togetherness and independence; it teaches us that our value lies in what we do, how much we do, and how well we do it.  We love programs and activities as measurements of how well we’re doing.  But Jesus calls us to be with him and in him. All of our doing springs from this being.  He invites us to abide.  To rest.  To live, move, and have our being in him.  Every breath we draw is by him, for him, and to him. 

“That all is well and good,” we might say to ourselves. “But what does that even look like, practically speaking, in my life?” Our best attempts to describe this often sound abstract and vague…and even mushy.  But where words are inadequate, the experience of these things brings crystal clarity.

We often ruminate about how to effectively communicate this—our “elevator speech,” if you will—our short description of what Flourish Mid-Columbia is all about.  Our tagline, “Integrating Faith, Work, and Everyday Living,” often finds its way into the conversation.  Our elevator friend might respond with, “Okay, but what is it that you actually do?” We might smile and say, “We accompany people along the way...” even as Jesus walked alongside the wounded and weary disciples on the road to Emmaus after his resurrection.

We walk with people who hunger for something more in life…who feel spread thin and exhausted, or struggle with questions about identity, value, meaning and purpose…who are in seasons of transition, trying to discern God’s personal call on them going forward…who wonder if what they do in their homes, workplaces, community, and church has anything to do with what God really cares about…who simply want someone to talk with, safely, about real and honest questions they’re wrestling with.  They have questions about God, about themselves, about Scripture, about the church and our culture, about pains and sorrows and loneliness and despair. And if our elevator friend hasn’t walked away yet, we describe some of the various small groups and classes, Bible studies and book reading groups, lunch and coffee appointments, as well as gatherings to accompany young adults, that we arrange and facilitate for such conversations and growing together.  

Here are some of the comments from a few of our participants:

The selection of readings, scripture, and led discussions have helped me slow down and have a greater appreciation for many things and for being closer to God. – Jon

With guidance from Dan my walk with Jesus became deeper through readings, discussions, and practicing spiritual disciplines. – Joanne

Flourish has provided me a safe and sacred place to share my life with other believers in Christ as we pray, study scripture, and grow and mature as we learn from each other. To build each other up and share our blessings with others as we seek to know the Lord more deeply.  – Lee

I appreciate Dan and Flourish Mid-Columbia creating the opportunity for me to participate with the Open Table Conference and their study of the book of Hebrews.  I was exposed to teachers that were new to me.  They also opened the door to the Church Fathers who established the intellectual and doctrinal foundations of Christianity.  I found that the diversity of backgrounds and perspectives made the discussion rich, engaging, life-giving, and, at times, challenging.  – Steve S.

Love being part of Flourish discussion groups and having people to “think” with!   
– Kathy

“Faith, Culture, and Worldview” is a Zoom-based small group of (mostly) current and former missionaries who are discussing books that address the intersection of these significant topics … Our discussions have enriched our understanding of both Scripture and our multi-cultural world, as well as the effective integration of the two.
– Wayne, discussion facilitator

Through the ReFrame course and studies with the Open Table Conference we have grappled with the message that God has, and is, revealing to us through the person of Jesus and the story of scripture.  I have considered it a joy and privilege to participate in these studies that challenge and grow my relationship with Jesus and benefit others in their growth as well.  Thank you for providing these forums and God bless you as you continue to help us integrate our faith with everyday living.  – Dan J.

Yes, we do have program offerings…but the purpose behind those activities is something that can only be experienced. We seek to experience a way of being with one another that intersects with—and embodies—our being together in and with Christ.  Emmanuel. God With Us. The With-Us God. The God who hides us in Himself, and who makes His home in us!  Stop for a moment and imagine what life would be like if we walked continuously and confidently in the knowledge of this Reality!

Flourish Mid-Columbia’s vision is to participate in God’s call to wake up and open our eyes to that which is already given to us in Christ!  If this appeals to you, then please join us.  Really!  Write us or call us up and say, “I want this Life!”  Because we want to share in this Life with you, too.  And we experience it with and through you, even as we pray you experience it with and through us.  So, let’s meet together.  Let’s gather—two, three, twelve, or a hundred of us, in His name, and experience His presence and Life together.  What exactly will this look like?  Let’s find out together!

Life in Christ is abundant life.  It is together-life.  When Christ—in and through one another—inhabits our lives, shares in our greatest joys and identifies with us in our deepest suffering, it is life with purpose.  It is life with hope.  Jesus’ mission “that the world will know” is embedded and embodied in our life with him, in and through one another. 

Will you join us?  As we celebrate God With Us this season, let us ask God how we can truly be His presence with and to one another. How can we embody God’s presence to you? How can you embody God’s presence to us?  Flourish Mid-Columbia—like every one of us—depends entirely on God’s faithfulness.  One important way He cares for us and enables us in His ministry is through financial gifts.  We are so grateful to all who have shared in this ministry through such giving.  If you have not already, would you prayerfully consider supporting Flourish?  And we don’t just mean through financial support (though we do need this.) Consider praying for us regularly, and consider how you might join us as we together seek to be the life of Christ for one another.

May the Lord bless you abundantly throughout this holiday season and the coming year!

The Staff & Board of Flourish Mid-Columbia


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Flourish Mid-Columbia
P.O. Box 2304
Richland, WA 99352
(509) 416-6827