Dear Friends of Flourish Mid-Columbia,
We pray this finds you well and enjoying God and His blessings. This is now the fifth summer of Flourish Mid-Columbia’s existence, and we remain grateful, and often awestruck, at the Lord’s faithfulness of guiding this ministry—especially through the tumultuous past few years. We remain committed to walking alongside seekers and followers of Jesus, as He integrates our faith, work, and everyday living.
Our purpose is “to encourage, educate, and equip people to think theologically, live relationally, work fruitfully, rest confidently, and serve others lovingly for the flourishing of homes, workplaces, and community.” Reflecting on this ministry, we see the Lord bringing this purpose to fruition. What has this looked like during the past months?
Thinking Theologically. We continue to host and develop small study groups—some in person, and some over Zoom. This includes several offerings of the “Reframe: Connecting Faith and Life” course developed by Regent College, and which invites us to consider how every facet of our lives fits into God’s Kingdom story…even those things that seem “insignificant” or “unspiritual.” Another group has been gathering to discuss the book of Revelation, which has challenged them to examine preconceived notions about the message of the book, and consider it more thoughtfully in the context of the whole witness of scripture. “It has been a true revelation!” says one participant. We look forward to facilitating more opportunities for this sort of theological thinking, studying, and wrestling.
Living Relationally. If the global pandemic has taught us one thing, it is that connection and community are vital to our flourishing. The way of Christ was never intended to be a solitary journey; however, even in our Christian communities, loneliness is epidemic. Our individualistic culture is frequently at odds with Jesus’ call into deep relationship with Him and one another. One example of relational living is the “Growing Deeper” group that Flourish hosts in a local church. Participants are long-time faithful servants, who have often thought of spiritual formation as an individual pursuit. Now they enjoy walking together in deeply formative relationships. Similarly, in early August, the Ingalls Creek Enrichment Center and the Flourish Young Adult ministry hosted a retreat for eleven young adults. They experienced life-giving community as they explored together their identity, purpose, and calling in Jesus Christ. “First time at a retreat where I felt like everyone connected,” said one participant. Another said, “I was able to reconnect with who I am in Christ…I also got to admire His creation.” Still another remarked, “I came with an expectation that I wasn’t going to know anyone, but am leaving feeling like a family.” Such relational living is precisely what Flourish seeks to nurture!
Working Fruitfully. Flourish encourages people to view their day-to-day work not as just a necessary “compartment” of life to pay the rent, but a way that God includes us in bringing about His purposes for our world. At the retreat mentioned above, one young woman shared about her “menial” job of cleaning at a health club…one that might easily be seen as inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. But she was able to reframe this as an opportunity to bless others by enabling them to enjoy their experience at that club. It encourages us to reconsider how our own “menial” tasks may be ways that God intends to bless others through our work.
Resting Confidently. Perhaps few things are as challenging in this day and age as entering into life-giving rest. Our tendency is to equate rest with inactivity and laziness. Our culture ascribes value based on what we do and how much we produce. But are these the criteria by which God values us? And are these the criteria by which He calls us to value one another? These past few months, we have had opportunities to walk with one another as illnesses, death, and hard circumstances press against our human limitations, and challenge our ability to “do” and “produce.” We are invited to rest in God’s abundant love, which is disconnected from what we do; it is solely connected to Who we belong to. One place this invitation has come into focus is in our Faith & Education vocation group. Beginning last summer and throughout the school year, we have been asking ourselves how we can teach out of a place of rest in the Lord. One teacher said, “Rest was a major theme for me last year, especially in the midst of balancing work and home. When I began focusing on letting Christ be my Sabbath and taking time to rest, my life became a bit more balanced, my teaching more focused, and my home life more peaceful!”
Serving Lovingly. To follow Jesus is to serve others. As we discover the unique ways that God has equipped us to serve with him for the sake of others, our service brings joy. Somehow, it fits. The Message renders Matthew 11:29 with keen insight: “Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” As board president Jim Morris is fond of reminding us, it becomes less what we have to do, and more what we get to do!
We are deeply grateful that we get to serve as a part of Flourish. If you have ever prayed for us, encouraged us, or contributed your talents or finances to support Flourish, then you are a part of Lord’s provision! And we continue to trust that the Lord will provide all that we need to accomplish what He calls us to. But to do that, we need your continued partnership, including your financial support.
What would really help us going forward is a growing circle of regular contributors that would allow us to plan further into the future with respect to ministry and consistent payroll. Last year, for the first time, we were able to pay our executive director the full intended salary, thanks to your generous year-end giving! However, to date this year, we are looking at a 35% deficit of his intended salary.
In addition, our Flourish Young Adult ministry, from its inception has been sustained largely by a two-year seed grant and a large gift from a local church. These funds have been supplemented by some regular giving. The time has come for us to grow our community of ongoing financial partners so that the Young Adult ministry can continue to bear fruit. Without this support we will soon need to make difficult decisions about where to cut hours and ministry.
The fields are white, as it were, but the workers (and their hours!) are few. Would you ask the Lord of the harvest to enable this work to continue and grow? And please ask Him about how you might partner with us to make that happen! Thank you for considering us, and may the Lord bless you!
With Gratitude,
--The Flourish Mid-Columbia Team
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