Dear Friends and Partners in Ministry,
We thank God for you—for the love you have shown us during this past year, and for the grace that springs from the hope we share, stored up for us in Christ! Leaning into that hope has been a challenge for many of us this year. We as a world, nation, and community have experienced deep losses in this difficult season of unrelenting pandemic, and all the upheaval that has surrounded it. It drives us to continually ask: where does our hope come from?
This unusual season has been an interesting “soil” for Flourish Mid-Columbia to be planted in, especially as a young organization still learning how to flourish in the field where the Lord has sown us. Dreams, ideas, and vision germinate quietly under the surface, with the confident expectation of breaking forth into the sunlight and bearing fruit.
What does that “fruit” look like for us, in this season? What does Flourish Mid-Columbia point at today, and say, “This is what God has given us to share”? As we live into our tagline of integrating faith, work, and everyday living, our current “crop” can be summed up in a word: conversation.
Can we call conversation a fruit? Actually, I think there’s a long history of it. Some of the ripest harvest in the gospels comes in the context of conversation. Consider those disciples we read about in Luke 24, plodding heavily along a dusty road, conversing and lamenting together about the sad state of affairs. How easily we can relate! But what if, like them, we encounter a “Stranger” who joins our conversation? A fellow Traveler who opens our mind as he speaks…and in so doing, lightens our steps, quickens our thoughts, ignites our hope, sets fire to our hearts, and leads us into a completely new way of living! I don’t know about you, but that’s the sort of conversation I need.
Conversation is at the core of who we are as humans created in the image of God—and what we do in the ministry to which we’ve been called. Relationship, connection, community—none of this happens apart from conversation. And if the widespread isolation wrought by the pandemic has taught us anything, it is the value of conversation—rooted in love, seasoned with grace.
God desires not only to be in conversation with us, but also to be in the conversations we have with one another. As a ministry, then, we want to creatively and thoughtfully draw one another into that life-giving, soul-restoring conversation with the True Word and Source of life.
As we see and hear one another, and are seen and heard by one another, we learn to see and hear our Lord, Creator, and Redeemer, even as we are already seen and heard by Him! This awakens us to deeper gratitude and understanding of our purpose and place in God’s story.
Throughout Year Number Two of the Covid-19 pandemic, we have sought to cultivate these sorts of conversations. Some of them still happen via Zoom, which has the double benefit of protecting one another from illness, as well as including people from outside the region. These include several of the “Faith And…” vocational groups (Faith and Science; Faith, Culture, and Worldview; Faith and Missions; Faith and Education) but also has expanded into several other intentional, regular gatherings for mutual encouragement, Bible study, and spiritual formation. We have also ventured out into a number of in-person gatherings, as circumstances allow, including a fruitful luncheon in November to encourage and refresh local educators. Likewise, we are expanding our outreach to the young adults of our community, as we grow in our understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities of the emerging generation. Beginning this fall, we established a twice-monthly gathering called The Well, which meets at a local coffee shop, where we provide opportunities for connection and meaningful conversations.
The support of people like you has enabled our staff the freedom to actively and creatively engage in these hopeful and life-giving conversations, and to create an environment where they can take place. These are conversations that have changed our lives, and we rejoice as we witness how they also bless others, as together we learn, grow, and journey in the way of Christ.
Now for some end-of-year practical considerations. As treasurer, it is my responsibility to oversee the financial care for our staff. Dan Wodrich, who serves as executive director, works full time (and then some) to grow and advance the vision of Flourish Mid-Columbia. Likewise, Mark Taylor is currently working almost three-quarters time. His primary function is leading Flourish Young Adults, our outreach to the emerging generation. (Check out the new website for this initiative,
I’ve had the privilege of witnessing up-close the generous giving that has enabled these ministry efforts to move forward, and it is a source of great encouragement! Nevertheless, we are not yet fully funded (at least in relation to our annual goals). We are currently $13,000 short of our goal for Dan’s salary and general operational expenses for this calendar year. As for the ministry of Flourish Young Adults, and Mark’s efforts in it, we are fully-funded only through the first quarter of next year. To continue to fund this initiative at its current level through the next calendar year, we require about $35,000 (or about $2,900 in additional monthly pledges). Any giving beyond that would allow us to expand our work in this capacity.
As you plan your year-end giving, would you prayerfully consider a gift to Flourish Mid-Columbia? And as you look toward 2022, might you consider becoming a regular monthly supporter? Your gift or pledge can be directed toward the general fund, or the Flourish Young Adult initiative, or split between both as you prefer.
Donation checks can be mailed to: Flourish Mid-Columbia, PO Box 2304, Richland, WA 99352 Online donations can be made at
No less important to our ministry are your prayers. In this season of Advent, where we anticipate celebrating the coming of Christ, our true Hope, we invite you to uphold our staff and board in your regular prayers. Pray that the Spirit would fan the flame of our vision to bring this Hope—by means of the integration of faith, work, and everyday living—to many in the Mid-Columbia, and beyond!
With Joy,

Scott Johnson
Flourish Mid-Columbia Board Treasurer |