"Faith And..." (Faith & Vocation Groups)
Flourish Mid-Columbia affirms the value of vocation as God-ordained, Christ-called, and worthy of honor, even (perhaps especially) those vocations that aren't traditionally viewed as "spiritual".
Jesus desires to be integrated in all aspects of life--our workplace and school, our home and family, our interests, hobbies, and passions, and yes, even our church and religious activities!
We also recognize that living out faith in the workplace is difficult, and each field has its own challenges. Our aim has been to create a repertoire of "Faith And" vocation groups--to provide venues of fellowship and mutual encouragement for Christ-followers who share similar callings.
At present our "Faith And" groups are meeting exclusively online until such a time as we can safely and wisely meet in person.
The current existing "Faith And" groups are:
Faith and Science - This is a group of career scientists and others interested in science. We study and discuss a wide range of topics related to thoughtful integration of faith and science, as well as strategies for engaging our community on these important subjects. Anyone with an interest is welcome to join us! [contact us for current schedule information] |
Faith, Culture & Worldview - This discussion group includes people with significant cross-cultural life experience. Study/discussion topics include multi-culturalism, and worldview awareness and engaging with the post-modern culture as followers of Christ. Anyone with an interest in these subjects are welcome to join us. [contact us for current schedule information] |
Faith and Education - This discussion group consists of those involved in the field of education, at any level. We meet via Zoom [contact us for current schedule information] |
Young Adults - Fellowship, study, reflection, and prayer, a "gathering place" for young adults (18+) |
If you have a suggestion for a "Faith And" vocational group that you would like to see created, please don't hesitate to contact us.